Dakota Electric has resumed collection activity, including disconnections and late fees, based on account status. Members with past-due accounts were mailed disconnection notices on June 1, and are subject to disconnection as soon as August 2.
We want to help our members find energy assistance resources that can help bring their account current. Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP) expanded its eligibility requirements and significantly increased the amount of funding available to help members pay costs associated with heat and electricity. Funding is available on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is crucial to contact an energy assistance agency as soon as possible.
If you or someone you know needs more time to pay the amount owed, we will work with you to establish a payment plan for your account. You can contact us Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at 651-463-6212 or 1-800-874-3409, or email customerservice@dakotaelectric.com.
As utility scams become increasingly more sophisticated, it may be hard for members to differentiate between scams and legitimate messages. If you’re ever unsure of who contacted you, hang up immediately and call Dakota Electric to verify your account status. DO NOT use the phone number given to you.
How to apply for energy assistance
To request an application or find your local service provider:
- Call 800-657-3710 and press one.
- Visit the Minnesota Department of Commerce Energy Assistance Website.
- Contact one of the local services providers listed to the right.
- If you need help to complete the application, please call: 1-800-657-3710
- Yog tias koj xav tau kev pab los mus ua daim ntawv thov, thov hu rau: 1-800-657-3710
- Haddii aad u baahan tahay caawimaad si aad u buuxiso arjigaga, fadlan wac: 1-800-657-3710
- Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud, llame al 1-800-657-3710
- Nếu quý vị cần giúp đỡ để hoàn thành đơn xin, vui lòng gọI: 1-800-657-3710
Local service providers
Scott-Carver-Dakota CAP Agency
651-322-3500 | 2496 145th St. W., Rosemount, MN 55068
360 Communities
952-985-5300 | 501 East Highway 13, Suite 112, Burnsville, MN 55337
Dakota County Emergency Assistance
651-554-5611 | 1 Mendota Road W., Suite 100, West St. Paul, MN 55118
Goodhue County Health & Human Services
651-385-3200 | 426 West Ave., Red Wing, MN 55066
Three Rivers Community Action, Inc.
507-316-0610 | 1414 North Star Dr., Zumbrota, MN 55992
Rice County Social Services
507-332-6115 | 320 3rd St. NW., Faribault, MN 55021
Scott County Human Services
952-445-7751 | 200 4th Ave. W., Shakopee, MN 55379