Dakota Electric Board of Directors held a special meeting on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024, where a motion was made and carried to reopen the application period for the 2024 Annual Election specific to District 3, Seat 2.
At the end of 2022, District 3 Seat 2 became vacant due to the passing of director William (Bill) Holton. In adherence with Dakota Electric bylaws and policies, director Cyndee Fields was appointed by the board of directors to fill this vacancy during their regular monthly meeting on July 27, 2023. District 3 Seat 2 must also be up for the 2024 Annual Election in adherence with the Minnesota State Statute 308A.315 Filling Vacancies.
Sec. 22a. [308A.315] [FILLING VACANCIES.]
If a director’s position is vacant, the board may appoint a member of the cooperative to fill the director’s position until the next regular or special members’ meeting. At the next regular or special members’ meeting, the members must elect a director to fill the unexpired term of the vacant director’s position.
Furthermore, District 3 Seat 2 has one year remaining in its three-year term and will be up for its regular termed election in 2025.
Members interested in seeking election for District 3, Seat 2 should visit www.dakotaelectric.com/about-us/annual-meeting-election for more information. All interested candidates must apply via the application link on the webpage. Incumbent director Cyndee Fields has indicated she will be running.
The application link was made available on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024. Completed applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024. To be eligible for the ballot, all candidates are required to interview with the Nominating Committee on the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024.
Questions can be sent to Dakota Electric’s Director of Executive Services Melissa Cherney at mcherney@dakotaelectric.com or 651-463-6252.