Dakota Electric Association’s nominating committee is accepting applications for the board of directors until close of business on Dec. 19, 2012. The following incumbent board members indicated they intend to seek re-election for another term: Paul Trapp, District 4; Bill Holton, District 3; Jim Sheldon, District 2; and David Jones, District 1. There is also an open seat in District 1 due to the passing of Ron Swagger in 2012. David Jones was elected to a one-year term last year, so elections will be held on two seats in District 1.
To be eligible for directorship, a candidate must be a member of the cooperative and must not be employed by a competing energy business. Directors must be available to participate in monthly daytime board meetings and other business meetings and functions as deemed necessary by the board and must be willing to spend the time necessary to learn about the highly technical utility industry.
Application and interview
One director from each of four districts is elected annually to serve a three-year term on the board. The nominating committee is responsible for interviewing and selecting qualified candidates to be placed on the ballot. Members interested in seeking a nomination for directorship must request, complete and return an application form with a résumé. All Dakota Electric member-owners will have the opportunity to vote for board directors via mail or electronic ballot. Election results will be announced at the annual meeting on April 4, 2013.
How to apply for nomination
The bylaws allow for candidates by petition; however, all candidates must go through the application and interview process to be eligible for nomination by petition. The nominating committee will interview prospective candidates on Jan. 8. To request an application for nomination, please contact Cherry Jordan, executive assistant, at 651-463-6252 or 1-800-874-3409 ext. 252 or email cjordan@dakotaelectric.com.