
March News

Nominating Committee In accordance with Section 3, Article III, of the Bylaws of this Association, we the undersigned Nominating Committee, in a meeting held on January 25, 2022, have selected the following nominees for directorship of said Association to be on the ballot for the 2022 board elections:DISTRICT 1 David Jones (incumbent), Jeff Nelson, Raj [...]

2022-02-28T09:19:02-06:00February 28th, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

What Beneficial Electrification Means For Members and Co-ops

OVERVIEW Due to several large-scale trends, electricity’s role in the future of energy and environmental policy is in the midst of a major change that could have a significant impact on electric cooperatives. While historically the principal way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions was to reduce energy consumption through energy conservation and energy efficiency, now [...]

2022-01-31T13:08:31-06:00January 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Beneficial Electrification Explained

Beneficial electrification encourages the use of more all-electric appliances and equipment, like electric vehicles, water heaters, weed trimmers, etc., provides members with clean products and benefits the environment.  Dakota Electric members can use our rebates and programs to help transform their homes to be more energy efficient and environmentally friendly, while saving them money.  [...]

2022-01-31T13:08:26-06:00January 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

February News

RESOURCE & TAX ADJUSTMENT (RTA) CHARGE & ADVANCED METER RECOVERY FEE There will be a slight increase to residential members’ bills in 2022 due to the RTA charge and advanced meter recovery fee. HOW MUCH IS THE INCREASE? For residential members, the 2022 RTA will be $0.0020 per kilowatt-hour, which is $0.0019 higher than [...]

2022-01-31T13:03:12-06:00January 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Load Management Programs

SAVE MONEY! Participate in one or more of the following load management (also known as off-peak) programs and receive electricity at nearly half the regular rate! To enroll, visit our load management page or contact the Energy Experts® at 651-463-6243 or email STORAGE PROGRAMS Available for electric water heaters, [...]

2022-01-31T13:03:35-06:00January 31st, 2022|Categories: Circuits|

Safety Guide

Downed and Dangerous If you see a downed power line, always assume it is energized and dangerous. Avoid going near it, getting anything in contact with it and call our 24-hour outage line at 651-463-6201. Downed power lines can energize the ground up to 35 feet away ­— so keep your distance. Never [...]

2021-12-29T12:15:51-06:00December 29th, 2021|Categories: Circuits|