
Co-op News

Advanced Meter Recovery fee Dakota Electric is making investments to improve our electric grid. We are replacing old meters with advanced meters, similar to what other cooperatives and utilities around the country have already done. The advanced meter recovery fee is a separate line item on your monthly bill to recover costs associated [...]

2020-02-28T09:42:31-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: Circuits|

Tips for renters

Dakota Electric Association is partnering with Minnesota Energy Resources to bring joint electric and gas savings to multifamily buildings in our shared service territory. The Multifamily Direct Install program, operated by the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), will go unit-by-unit in participating apartment/condo buildings to install energy-saving measures such as LED bulbs, efficient [...]

2020-01-29T15:59:56-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: Circuits|

2020 Preview

Looking ahead Wishing you all a Happy New Year! It is a new year, and that means new resolutions. Whether you are looking to make informed energy decisions or you want to stay current on co-op news, check out the latest edition of Circuits. Smart meter update Last fall, [...]

2019-12-30T11:08:04-06:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Gone Rogue

Rogue Robotics wins 2019 Touchstone Energy Community Award Farmington High School Senior Nicole Cash is Rogue Robotics’ PR representative. Cash applied for the 2019 Touchstone Energy Community Award. Heather Orser watches closely as Rogue Robotics team member, Ella Kreger, solders electrical components for the team’s third customized [...]

2019-12-30T14:11:02-06:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Co-op News

Rate case update Dakota Electric submitted a general rate case petition to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on Sept. 19, 2019, requesting an overall annual revenue increase of about $8.7 million or 4.3%. On Nov. 25, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) James LaFave, with the Office of Administrative Hearings, held a prehearing conference [...]

2020-08-13T07:43:52-05:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Dakota Cares Donation

Dakota Cares Committee (L-R): Wendy Apitz, Dave Reinke, Kaitlyn Simon, Corey Willert, Cherry Jordan, Bernie Kolnberger, Susan Strong and Tom Riste. Not pictured: Mel Belschner. Last year, Dakota Electric and its employees held a variety of fundraising events and a pledge drive to raise $30,566 for three charities: United Way ($7,486), Community [...]

2019-12-30T11:07:43-06:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Youth Tour

Dakota Electric will send five local high school juniors or seniors on an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C., June 20-25 as part of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) Youth Tour. Sponsored by the nation’s electric cooperatives since 1958, the NRECA Youth Tour is designed to build leadership skills while educating young people [...]

2019-12-31T14:06:18-06:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|

Longer Nights & Holiday Lights

Holiday lighting technology over the years Contact our Energy Experts® The tradition of stringing electric lights during the holidays may have started in America, but it is now a global phenomenon used for all kinds of winter festivities. The evolution of holiday lights parallels that of the light bulb, [...]

2019-11-27T15:11:17-06:00November 27th, 2019|Categories: Circuits|