Press Release

Dakota Electric encourages Helping Neighbor donations

FARMINGTON, Minn. (November 20, 2007) — Dakota Electric Association members will surpass more than $300,000 worth of donations to the cooperative's Helping Neighbors® program this year. Since 1993, Dakota Electric has offered its member-owners the option to donate to the Helping Neighbors program through monthly contributions on their electric bill or a one-time donation.The Helping Neighbors' [...]

2017-03-16T12:32:22-05:00November 20th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Environmental School’s wind turbine installed

FARMINGTON, Minn. (Nov. 15, 2007) — Renewable energy is soon to be on tap for the School of Environmental Studies, Apple Valley, as crews recently completed the installation of a 160-foot tower topped with a 20-kilowatt turbine at the District 196 optional school.The 20-kw turbine and two 1-kw solar arrays will generate renewable energy, but more [...]

2019-10-08T14:25:31-05:00November 15th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Touchstone Energy® Community Award applications being accepted

FARMINGTON, Minn. (Oct. 3, 2007 ) — Dakota Electric Association is now accepting applications for the Touchstone Energy Community Award, which recognizes individuals, businesses, non-profit and community groups that have shown a strong commitment to the community. The award acknowledges those whose efforts have impacted large numbers of people, collaborated and shared resources, addressed unmet community [...]

2018-02-08T10:10:33-06:00October 3rd, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

McGruff safety kits made available to children

FARMINGTON, Minn. (September 10, 2007) — McGruff Safe Kids Identification kits for school children are now available from law enforcement agencies throughout Dakota County and nearby communities.Dakota Electric Association, a member-owned electric cooperative, provided local law enforcement agencies around Dakota County and Northfield and Cannon Falls with McGruff identification kits. Police officers will distribute the kits [...]

2018-02-08T10:10:34-06:00September 10th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Macy’s reduces electric use and receives rebate from Dakota Electric

FARMINGTON, Minn. (Aug. 31, 2007) — Dakota Electric Association today announced that through a partnership with Macy's Burnsville, the suburban department store received an EnergyWise® energy-efficient rebate of $48,287 for a recent lighting upgrade.As part of Macy's promise to provide an outstanding shopping experience for its customers, including better and brighter, yet energy-efficient lighting, the retailer [...]

2018-02-08T10:10:34-06:00August 31st, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Dakota Electric members attend free zoo event

FARMINGTON, Minn. (Aug. 1, 2007) — Nearly 6,000 Dakota Electric Association members and their families attended the Tenth Annual Member Appreciation Event on July 26 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.The annual event provides an opportunity for Dakota Electric, a customer-owned Touchstone Energy cooperative, to say “thank you” to its member-owners. During the event, zoo admission is [...]

2018-02-08T10:10:34-06:00August 1st, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

AACC International purchases wind energy

“AACC International is proud to partner with Dakota Electric in the Wellspring program,” Barbara Mock, vice president of finance, said. “The Wellspring Renewable Wind Energy program is a good fit for our organization, which is on the cutting edge of scientific and technical information for those working with grain.”Dakota Electric members have had the option to [...]

2017-03-16T12:32:22-05:00July 18th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Dakota Electric invites members to MN Zoo

FARMINGTON , Minn. (July 17, 2007) — Dakota Electric Association invites its members to enjoy a complimentary night at the Minnesota Zoo on Thursday, July 26. This marks the tenth year that Dakota Electric will host this annual Member Appreciation Event for its member-owners at the Minnesota Zoo.Members and their families are invited to attend the [...]

2017-03-16T12:32:22-05:00July 17th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Teachers have opportunity to learn at Will Steger Institute

FARMINGTON , Minn. (July 12, 2007) — Dakota Electric Association's power supplier, Great River Energy, is sponsoring area educators to participate in the second annual Will Steger Foundation Summer Institute.The institute is scheduled for Aug. 13-15 at the Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul. The institute provides an interactive, cross-disciplinary workshop on global warming, its [...]

2017-03-16T12:32:22-05:00July 12th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|

Local students return from Washington D.C. trip

FARMINGTON , Minn. (July 11, 2007) — Five students from high schools in Dakota County recently returned from a trip-of-a-lifetime to Washington D.C. The group joined more than 1,400 students from around the nation (35 total from Minnesota) for the 44th annual Rural Electric Youth Tour held June 9-14. Dakota Electric Association awarded the students an [...]

2018-02-08T10:10:34-06:00July 11th, 2007|Categories: Press Release|